There was such a sense of fun and joy amidst the serious business of making beautiful music. Chanticleer’s accessibility and high level of professionalism and respect for the participants combined to provide a fabulous time!
— Workshop participant

In August 2005, Chanticleer teamed with the Sonoma County Choral Society — now Sonoma Bach — at Sonoma State University to offer the first Chanticleer in Sonoma Choral Workshop. After eight highly successful summers, the ninth workshop is planned for June 2022.  It is aimed at adult amateur choral singers who love ensemble singing and want to improve their skills. The 12 members of Chanticleer participate in coaching sessions, workshops, and demonstrations of rehearsal techniques, as well as more informal interactions with workshop participants.

Education does not end with school, and choral singing is extremely popular among adults across the nation. According to a national study by Chorus America, nearly 28.5 million adults and children regularly perform in choral groups in the U. S., more than any other art form. One or more adults in 15.6 percent of households in America performed in at least one chorus, and of those, almost 45 percent performed with more than one chorus. The study also estimates the number of choruses in the U.S. to be 250,000.

The Chanticleer in Sonoma Workshop closes with a concert for family and friends featuring workshop participants singing with the members of Chanticleer.

The dates for the next workshop are June 15-19, 2022. Full details on the workshop may be found by clicking here: Chanticleer in Sonoma 2022.

E-mail for more information.